How to Look, Act, And Project Self Confidence

7 Ways to Fake It Until You Make It

By Marlene Wagner

No One is Always 100% Confident

That old saying, “Fake it ‘til you make it,” has never been more meaningful than dealing with confidence issues.

Confidence is the essential personality trait you can develop to better deal with life’s personal and professional transitions.

It takes confidence to take risks to ensure success.

Do you ever look around and feel everyone in the world has self-confidence but you?  Everywhere you look, people appear self-assured. Would it come as a surprise to learn we all suffer from a lack of confidence in more than one area?

We all lack confidence in some areas of our lives. Once you learn to recognize what you feel, your insecurities are when you can work through them.

I have listed some ways to project confidence, even if you don’t feel it.


Projecting Confidence – Even if You Don’t Feel It

Identifying some of our traits can be helpful as it shows us how to recognize and deal with the challenge of looking confident.

Take a few minutes and list when and where you lack confidence. How can you integrate some of the following into those areas you have on your list and want more assurance?


 Be Optimistic

Are you an optimist or a pessimist? Do you see the glass as half-empty or half-full?

If you see the glass as half-empty, you’re likely not an optimist and could experience low self-worth and doubts.

Being pessimistic makes it harder to act optimistic. As a life coach of more than 20 years, I’ve found that cynical individuals can be turned around and view the world differently.

Seeing the glass as half-full places you in the “optimist” category and shows you look for opportunity rather than failure.


Don’t take yourself too seriously

Yes, it does us good to lighten up. Allow yourself to loosen up and enjoy life.

When you’re more relaxed in demeanor, people find that refreshing.

Most of us have to deal with stress and intense situations every day, so to be around someone relaxed is an absolute pleasure.

When you are relaxed, you will also be happier. Others gravitate toward you and enjoy being around you.


Pay attention to others

You will most likely not feel or appear too confident when you are uncomfortable.

Your focus is on yourself. Now is the time to pay attention to other people.

Making eye contact and smiling makes you approachable.

When engaged in a conversation, listen intently and keep eye contact.

Those you’re engaged with its a must when attempting to project confidence.

Suppose you continually look around the room or up at the ceiling when conversing. In that case, it’s not only rude you also appear less trustworthy.

You are far less likely to demand admiration.


Dress the part

I can’t stress enough the importance of dressing the part to look and feel confident.

Dress appropriately in properly fitting clothes. Be well-groomed. You will not only look and feel confident, but it will make an impressive statement about you.

It shows you take pride in yourself and how you show up in the world. Whatever you want to succeed in life requires an individual look.

Want to rise to a CEO level in your company? Stop dressing in jeans and T-shirts.

Show others – with your looks – that you’re ready to step into the position, even if you’re much lower on the ladder.


Watch your language

When you speak, speak clearly, and watch your language to ensure you’re not using buzz words, contradictory language, or interject phrases such as “you know…”

That’s referred to as “conversational clutter” and be avoided at all costs.

The sloppy language also makes you appear uneducated.

We don’t always hear how we speak or the language mistakes we make.  Ask a trusted friend to help you or playback a recording of your language in a conversation with someone. 

If you feel your language could use improvement, often it is something you can improve on your own. 

Or you can choose professional help.  Impeccable language is another area that will help you look and feel more confident.


Check your posture

If you want to look and feel confident, standing up straight with your shoulders back can make a difference.

It shows how you feel about yourself and how you appear to others. 

If you see someone stoop-shouldered, slumped over, head down, how do you think they feel about themselves?

They don’t look or feel too confident, do they? 

Now how would you feel if you tried standing straight, shoulders back, and feet planted firmly on the ground?


Accept and give compliments

When you want to look and feel confident, compliment someone sincerely and genuinely.

You’ll not only make them feel good, but you’ve also taken the focus off yourself.

Learn to also accept compliments graciously about your accomplishments.  Always thank the person and tell them you appreciate the compliment.

Be free with your compliments to others when warranted. Giving compliments show that you consider yourself a good judge of character.

Accepting compliments show you the value of what you’ve done.


Projecting confidence

Even when you don’t feel it, projecting a certain amount of confidence shows that you’re ready to meet challenges head-on.

Sometimes, we don’t have the knowledge or skills to perform at the top of the game. Still, you can project determination and enthusiasm to meet the challenge.

I have given you the most common suggestions and exercises to improve looking, acting, and projecting confidence when you don’t feel confident.


If you have found this information helpful, I’d love to hear from you and how you felt about implementing the methods and exercises.  Has it helped you feel more confident?

Suppose you continue to practice these techniques. At some point, it becomes automatic, and you’ll do them without thinking about it anymore.

These confidence practices and exercises work for both men and women. If you’d like more information like this, please let me know what would be helpful to you.


I have as-needed coaching available, and if this would be something you’d be interested in, contact me for a free one-hour discovery call.


If you have any challenges, let me know. I’ll include it in my content.

Starting today, make yourself a priority and begin living your best life.

But before we go, always remember to

Be true to your magnificent self,
Coach Marlene

Connect with me!! I’d love to hear from you.