Stop Waiting Start Doing
Small Steps Lead to Big Wins
By Marlene Wagner
Some people are just better at taking action than others. I’ve known both kinds!
It can often seem that way when you want to take action but can’t figure out how to go about it.
You can transform yourself from a thinker to a doer using the following suggestions.
Stop Waiting for The Perfect Time
The most obvious difference between a thinker and someone who is a doer is that doers don’t worry about waiting for the perfect time.
It’s because perfection is a myth. There is no such thing as the perfect time. You will always have a full schedule.
You will always have things to do. It’s time to accept that there is no time like the present for whatever you wish to accomplish.
So, stop waiting and start doing instead.
Write Down Your Plan
Many people don’t take action because they aren’t sure where to start.
If your plan is quite large, like a career change or a whole house decluttering, knowing exactly where to start can be challenging.
What helps with this is to sit down and make an outline of your plan or goal. Break it down into smaller, more manageable pieces.
Then, start with the first manageable piece that you can do. The first step for the above declutter example would be to pick one room at a time.
Make a list of what is manageable in that room. It may be a drawer or cabinet.
Keep writing down manageable projects until that room is completely decluttered and reorganized.
It seems much more approachable than just thinking you want to declutter or reorganize some area in your house.
Apply that same principle to any goal or project.
Overcome Your Fear
Are you afraid to take action now because you don’t think you will be successful? Or maybe you’re worried that you will make mistakes along the way.
You aren’t alone. Most people who aren’t doers don’t take action because they fear what could happen.
Either way, it’s time to overcome these fears so that you can take action now.
The best way to do this is by recognizing that you are human and that making mistakes is part of life.
Don’t worry about thinking you may fail. That’s okay, too. Remember that all successful people have had failures, too.
It doesn’t mean they didn’t eventually achieve their goals.
Taking action now can seem like a tall order, but with these suggestions, you may find it easier than you initially thought.
So, if you have big or small goals for your life, don’t sit around waiting for them to happen on their own.
Take action today and make your dreams a reality.
How to Become an Action-Taker
Let’s take this further to see what’s stopping you from being an action-taker.
Perhaps you’re waiting for the right break instead of making your opportunities in life.
Or maybe you believe you’re not smart or talented enough. These negative beliefs are holding you back.
Get Rid of Doubts
If you don’t take action, you’ll keep wondering, “What if?” You will struggle with self-doubt and question your decisions.
Taking action builds experience and boosts your confidence.
It also allows you to discover new resources and information that will contribute to your success.
Your Time is Limited
Steve Jobs once said that remembering you’re going to die is the best way to stop thinking you have something to lose.
Your time on earth is limited. You never know what will happen a month or a year from now on.
You might not get a second chance to take that trip you’ve postponed for years. Or the plan to update or remodel your home you’ve been putting off.
Take action today! Don’t settle for anything less than you deserve.
One Thing Leads to Another
Getting started is often the hardest yet the most important step to success. No matter your plans, you must take action to bring them to life.
Once you make that first step, everything else will fall into place.
It may or may not work out as you hope, but it will lead to something new. Think of it as an opportunity to grow and learn.
Let’s say you want to start a small business that you’ve always thought would be perfect for you, but you don’t know where to start or how to make it happen.
Yes, it’s a scary thought, but what’s at stake? Even if you fail, think of the practice you’ll get and what you’ve learned in the process.
The feedback will help you determine what you need to focus on and redirect the process to achieve the goal.
When you start taking action, you get results.
Develop Your Skills
Whether your projects succeed or fail, there’s always a chance to learn new things.
Taking action will help develop your skills, leading to greater confidence.
The next time you want to take action on a goal or project, you’ll feel better prepared and have more confidence and experience.
You’ll also approach things from a new perspective and avoid repeating the same mistakes.
Focus and Action Go Hand in Hand
What good is focus if you don’t take action?
Conversely, how will you know you’re doing the right things if you take action without a focus?
Focus and action go hand in hand.
The concepts reinforce each other. Pick a project or a goal you’d like to work on. Plan out the steps and use them to set your focus.
Then, when you execute the plan by taking action, you’ll learn that your focus was correct.
Or, you’ll discover that it didn’t work out for some reason and that you need to consider alternate plans.
Not everything you plan will work out, and you need to remember that.
If you find something isn’t working out and don’t believe it will get any better, don’t hesitate to find something else or plan it another way.
Failure is part of the process. If possible, it’s helpful to have alternative plans defined at the beginning.
If not, determine those alternatives when they make sense.
You’ll find your focus more intense when you continue in this way.
It’s because you believe your actions will lead you to the desired results, and you’ll shift your focus if they don’t.
When you approach your projects or goals in this way, you’ll likely excel.
You’ll have a renewed sense of purpose, bringing the project to new heights.
Taking action is the key to turning your ideas, projects, or goals into reality. The difference between dreamers and doers isn’t luck or talent.
It’s the willingness to start, even when things aren’t perfect. Every action you take leads to new opportunities, skills, and insights.
Don’t wait for the perfect time it doesn’t exist. Start today, adjust as you go, and watch how small steps create significant results.
Your future is shaped by what you do now. Take action and make it happen.
Please always feel free to pass on my content to anyone you think would be interested in or helped by the information.
Contact me if you or someone you know is interested in one-on-one coaching.
Until next time, starting today, make yourself a priority and begin living your best life.
But before we go, always remember to
Be true to your magnificent self,
Coach Marlene
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