The Ultimate Guide to Re-organizing Your Office

Clear the Clutter, and Create a Space You Love

By Marlene Wagner


For years, we’ve experienced a trend of decluttering and re-organizing our spaces. Let’s face it: most of us live with far more than we need or want.

It’s an unmanageable condition in many homes and people’s lives. I’m one of them, and I freely admit it.

I write about the subject periodically because I understand the difficulty we experience in a daunting project such as this.

Fortunately, there are companies available to help in projects such as this.

I’m pretty good at organization, and I created a system that works for me in my decluttering projects.

The topic I’ve chosen for this month is our offices.

Some of us have offices in companies, and many have offices in our homes. Some have both and time for an office makeover.

If you’re like most people, you need a clear, organized space to optimize your productivity.

You must be able to do what needs to be done and give a project update without shuffling through piles of papers.

You need to organize your space as efficiently as possible to do this. It’s time for an office makeover.

Here are six steps to re-organizing your office to put you back in control.


  1. Purge, Purge, Purge

Think of this as a fresh start! Your workspace is probably holding onto more stuff than it should.

We’ve all been there! Look hard at your desk, filling cabinets, credenzas, and drawers. Chances are you will find duplicate things you don’t need.

Start by clearing out that pile of papers or random gadgets gathering dust. If you haven’t touched it in six months, it’s probably time to toss it or archive it.

The goal is to make physical and mental space so you can focus on what matters.

Go through your desk, filing cabinets, and drawers with an open mind and ask yourself, “Do I really need this?”

Those stacks of papers from projects long completed or notes you haven’t touched in months.

They’re probably taking up valuable space and mental energy. The same goes for digital clutter. Clean out those emails and desktop files, too!

If you’re hesitant to part with something, ask yourself if it serves a purpose right now. If not, archive it (or digitize it if possible) to keep things lean and efficient.

This process can be surprisingly freeing! Don’t feel like you have to tackle this all at once.

Break this down into small sections so it doesn’t feel overwhelming. Start with your desk, then tackle drawers and cabinets one at a time.


  1. Re-arrange Your Furniture

Let’s talk about how your space feels. Is your desk in the best spot?

Does your current setup support the way you work, or do you constantly have to navigate around obstacles to get what you need?

Maybe your filing cabinet is too far away and could be moved closer, or your trash can is awkwardly placed.

Take some time to rethink the layout. For example, is your desk facing the right way?

A simple shift in your chair’s direction or desk position can improve your focus or even lighten your mood (hello, natural light!).

You want everything you need within easy reach. If you deal with a lot of paperwork, ensure your incoming and working documents have distinct spots.

If personal items are cluttering your space, create a designated area for them.

Make a hook for your coat or a drawer for your bag. Aim for efficiency and comfort.

Try experimenting with layouts until you find what feels right. Don’t be afraid to move things around a few times to get it.

Sometimes, even a small change can give your space a whole new vibe.


  1. Organize Your Desk

Your desk is prime real estate and the heart of your workspace. Treat it that way!

Keep your most essential tools in sight and at your fingertips: your computer, phone, notepad, and pen.

They should stay out if you’re constantly reaching for certain things (like pens, notebooks, or sticky notes). Everything else can be found in a drawer.

Trust me, you’ll feel much more focused when your desk isn’t cluttered with things you don’t use daily.

And for those little things like paper clips or staplers, pop them in a drawer organized to keep them out of sight but within reach when needed.

This simple habit can create a calm, focused environment instead of a chaotic one. To keep things in order, try using trays or small organizers inside your drawers.

You can even repurpose small containers or dividers from around the house to make this space uniquely yours.

It doesn’t have to be perfect, just functional, and tidy. At the end of each day, take five minutes to clear your desk and reset it for tomorrow.

Starting each day with a clean slate will feel amazing, and starting each morning with a clean desk will make you feel ahead of the game.


  1. Get Into the Filing Habit

Ah, you are filing both physical and digital. It’s not the most exciting thing, but once you make it a habit, you’ll thank yourself later.

If you’re not careful, files can quickly become out of control. Make it a habit to file both physical and digital documents right away.

Don’t let them pile up on your desk or your computer’s desktop.

Instead, create easy-to-navigate folder structures that make sense to you, whether by project, date, or client.

Label everything clearly so you’re never searching for that one document you need.

Develop a simple naming system for digital files so you always know what’s what. It’s a lifesaver when looking for something in a pinch and can be a game changer.

If you can quickly glance at a file name and know what it is, you’ll be more likely to file it correctly the first time.

Don’t forget to go through those old files and archive what’s no longer relevant. It’s all about keeping things tidy and easy to find.

Set aside a regular time at the end of each week to review your files and archive anything you no longer need.

You’ll be surprised at how much smoother things run when this is done consistently.


  1. Time Management

Finding a time management system that works for you is key to staying organized. Staying organized isn’t just about your stuff; it’s about managing your day.

Some people swear by old-fashioned planners, while others prefer digital tools like apps that sync across devices.

Whatever you choose, make it something you’ll use. Keep your daily to-do list realistic, and don’t overload yourself.

Break tasks into manageable chunks to check things off and feel productive. Be intentional about how you structure your day.

Set aside blocks of time for deep work and schedule regular breaks to avoid burnout.

Also, remember to block out time for handling emails, returning calls, and any other administrative work.

Experiment with different time management techniques until you find what works for you.

For example, you can use the Pomodoro method, which involves working for 25 minutes and then taking a short break.


  1. Use Technology to Stay Organized

Let technology be your assistant and do some of the heavy lifting for you.

Use email folders and filters to keep your inbox from becoming a never-ending to-do list.

Cloud storage can be your best friend for keeping your files easily accessible yet neatly stored away.

Set up reminders and alerts so you never miss a deadline, but also know when to switch them off to avoid distractions.

Remember, being organized doesn’t mean you must answer every email the second it comes in.

It’s all about finding that balance between staying connected and minimizing distractions.

Staying organized becomes much easier when your tech is set up to support you.

Declutter your digital world by uninstalling apps you don’t use, unsubscribing from newsletters you never read, and cleaning up your file storage.

It’s a simple way to stay on top of things without feeling overwhelmed, making your life much simpler.

By tackling these steps, you’ll transform your workspace into a place that feels less chaotic and more like a place where you can thrive.

A workspace that’s not only functional but enjoyable to work in.

Little changes can make a big difference in your productivity and mindset! Before you know it, you’ll wonder how you worked any other way.

I hope you have found this helpful and that it has inspired you to consider how you can improve your working environment.


If you or someone you know is interested in one-on-one coaching, please share my information.

And always feel free to pass on my content to anyone you feel would be interested or helped by the information.

Until next time, starting today, make yourself a priority and begin living your best life. 

But before we go, always remember to

Be true to your magnificent self,
Coach Marlene

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