The Impact That Feeling Fulfilled Has on Your Life

How to know If You Have It

By Marlene Wagner


Most people confuse fulfillment with happiness, and while the two share many common traits, they’re quite different.

The most significant difference is that you can be happy because of something that happened at the moment.

But, overall, you still feel like you’re leading a life without meaning or purpose and, hence, no fulfillment.

Working with the public for many years, I’ve realized how few people live fulfilling lives.

When asked what would fulfill you, most don’t have an answer.

So many people function repetitively daily, getting through it and doing what is before them.

Job, meals, family, running the household, only to repeat it all the next day. Never moving toward anything that would give them a feeling of fulfillment.

Today, we’re exploring the impact of feeling fulfilled on your life.

Yet, before we can do that, we must understand what it is and where it comes from.

So, let’s dive in.


What Is Fulfillment?

According to the Cambridge Dictionary, fulfillment is feeling like you’re ‘getting everything you want from life.’

It’s also sometimes described as having a purpose and a sense of satisfaction with how your life is turning out.

It means that fulfillment comes from within. It’s not proportional to how much money you have in the bank or how big your house is.

In other words, you can still lead a fulfilling life despite living paycheck to paycheck.

How? By doing things that give your life purpose and a sense of achievement. It’s doing what you love?

On the flip side, you can be one of the wealthiest people in the country but still not be content with your life.

You may not even feel happy with everything you’ve amassed.

Here’s an example that will clarify fulfillment more. Think of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Do you think he had an easy life? No.

But do you think his life was fulfilling? Definitely!

Dr. King found ways to fill his life with purpose and accomplishment despite his struggles. It made him feel satisfied with all the efforts he’d put in.


Where Does Fulfillment Come From?

At the basic level of human needs comes health and being provided with the chance to work and pursue your goals.

You don’t have to be happy and giddy with laughter all the time. You just need to work toward a specific purpose and get a sense of satisfaction.

Giving service to others, working towards a specific goal. Getting a degree, writing a book, what would it be for you?

You may have some health goals or want to volunteer for something you love. Animal shelters, soup kitchens, and senior centers, the possibilities are endless.

But it must be something you love and would make you feel good doing it.

So, because fulfillment is an internal process, you must feel completely satisfied with your life.

Yes, the perfect life can be obtained, but you must be willing to do the heavy lifting to achieve that sense of contentment.

You have to do certain things that get you closer each day to more fulfillment in your life.

To do that, you must ask yourself what your core values are.

List your core values. What deep down means the most to you?

Here are a few to get you thinking about what you value most in your life. Is it love, happiness, wealth, respect, travel, or education?


Here are just a few formulas that can help bring more fulfillment to your life:

  • Count your blessings instead of your problems
  • Do more of the things you’re fond of
  • Establish healthy habits that bring you joy
  • Give back to society by volunteering
  • Surround yourself with family and friends
  • Embrace a more positive mindset
  • Be always ready to learn

How Does Fulfillment Impact Our Lives?

Now that you know how to find fulfillment, let’s talk about its impact on your life.


1.     Give Your Life Greater Meaning

Our most difficult moments are when we feel like we don’t matter—functioning robotically with no meaning for the day.

We may find ourselves asking why we are here. What are we meant to be doing here? What is our purpose?

When you’re most unhappy or dissatisfied with your life, you start asking yourself why you are doing what you’re doing.

Do you want to be doing it? What would you rather do instead?

When you can answer that one, you’re closer to knowing what would bring you fulfillment.

When you find fulfillment, all that fades away.

You’ll understand the value and meaning of your life and that what you’re doing makes a big difference in other people’s lives, even on a small scale.

Remember, fulfillment doesn’t come from what you own or get. It comes from what you give.


2.     Focus on What’s Truly Important

When you have a sense of purpose, you gain more clarity. You know what you want, and you have a plan for how you will get there.

Focusing on what’s important to you will help you make better decisions.

Thus, you can move towards what you want with more deliberation and persistence.

How often have you thought about what is most important to you?

What would you say on your deathbed? I wish I had… now fill in what that would be for you.

Most would say, family. Others listed would be security as the most important. Career, health, fitness what would it be for you?

Make a list, and then pick one or two most important ones.

Next, think about what you would have to do to implement and move towards achieving it.

How fulfilled would you feel accomplishing something so important to you?


3.     Boost Your Self-Confidence

We often let society dictate how we should look, talk, and feel.

Yet, letting other people’s opinions dominate your life causes a significant dive in confidence and self-esteem.

Luckily, once you begin feeling fulfilled, you’ll come to love and accept yourself.

You’ll also begin to be more confident, which will help you stay resolute and determined when working to achieve your ambitions.


4.     Experience More Joy

More fulfillment brings more joy and overall satisfaction.

And when you’re content, you send positive energy into the universe, which comes back to you tenfold.

It allows you to focus on doing more things that bring you joy.

Somewhere along the line, you stop worrying about what other people think or comparing yourself to others.

It’s one of the most effective ways to reach fulfillment.


5.     Challenge Yourself

Because life is about growth and progress, it pays to challenge yourself.

Then, you can improve and develop your skill set, expand your wealth of knowledge, and reach new goals.

Most of us are doing something challenging more often than we realize. It may be trying a new recipe.

Goodness knows I can relate to that, as I’m always trying new things in my kitchen.

I want to learn something new every day or challenge myself with something I’m already doing.

I have a strict workout regime I start my day with. Here is where I love challenging myself.

I am trying more reps, stretching a little further, and lifting a heavier weight. How are you challenging yourself frequently?

Think about a more significant challenge you have often thought you’d want to do but always get put off.

More considerable challenges are frightening, and that’s okay, and that’s why it’s called a challenge.

The reward and feeling of fulfillment are on the other side of that challenge. What is it that you have always wanted to do? Now do it.  

It’s essential to remember that fulfillment is independent of external circumstances.

It’s a simple balance in everything you do to eliminate disorder from your life and forge a path of gratitude and harmony.

What first steps will you take now that you learned about fulfillment and its impact on your life?

If you already do what you love and feel fulfilled, I’d love to hear about it.


I have as-needed coaching available, and if this would be something you’d be interested in, contact me for a free one-hour discovery call.

If you have any challenges, let me know. I’ll include it in my content.


Starting today, make yourself a priority and begin living your best life. 

But before we go, always remember to

Be true to your magnificent self,
Coach Marlene


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